For Overseas shipping, our company gives different cheaper and comparable alternatives to our valuable customers, instead of direct shipping.
AIR + AIR SHIPPING: From Turkey to Europe by plane, with flight from Europe to a destination. If you compare it with direct flight air shipping, it is much cheaper service than direct flight air shipping., but the transit time is longer than a direct flight.
TRUCK + AIRCRAFT; go overland from Turkey to Europe, the most trusted destination where the goods are transported by airlines. Between direct flights and shipping costs and time for both is an alternative form of transportation.
TRUCK + SHIP (SEA ROAD) , Road transportation from Turkey to a European port, this service is usually carried out by ship from the ports and shipping partial container ships from Turkey, often without a destination port is used .. Direct form of transport other than ships and can create an attractive transit times and costs
For Air, land, sea, rail transportation ways our team of experts brought together by the importer and exporter and specific transportation needs of the importers and exporters can be supplied by our logistics systems and our highly experienced staff.
AIRPLANE + SHIP (SEA ROAD), ships from the Far East to the point of transfer with sea road, and then from transfer point to Istanbul, Izmir, Adana and Ankara, the service performed by aircraft. This service is much more frequent and Express service then a direct sea shipping and also much cheaper and economical then a direct flight.